Energy Transition Roadmap
Integrated Management System
At Enel Distribution, we are committed to delivering quality services to our customers, preserving and protecting the environment and biodiversity in all our activities, delivering healthy and safe working conditions to ensure the life and health of our workers, supporting and promoting efficient energy projects, prohibit bribery by promoting an environment of transparency and ensure the continuity of our service.
Since 2004, we have implemented different management systems within the organization that allow us to fulfill our commitments. We have today an Integrated Management System based on:
- Quality Management
- Environmental Management
- Occupational Health and Safety Management
- Energy Management
- Anti-bribery Management
- Business Continuity Management
Today, we are certified in:
ISO 9001 - establishes the requirements for Quality Management Systems and addresses the aspects of design, maintenance and improvement of processes and their documents to ensure the satisfaction of our customers.
ISO 14001 - establishes the requirements for Environmental Management Systems and addresses the conservation of the environment where we operate, identifying environmental aspects and controlling the impacts of our activities.
ISO 45001 - establishes the requirements for Health Management Systems and seeks to protect the health and safety of workers through the identification of risks and evaluation of the risks present in our activities.
ISO 50001 - establishes the requirements for Energy Management Systems and seeks to identify the uses and consumptions of electricity and fuels for their efficient management and execute energy improvement projects.
ISO 37001 - establishes the requirements for the Anti-bribery Management Systems and seeks to prohibit and prevent bribery and any type of corruption within the organization.
ISO 22301 - establishes the requirements for Business Continuity Management System and seeks that the organization is prepared to respond and recover from disruptive incidents when they occur.
Additionally, we are working on the implementation of two new ISO standards:
- Asset Management (ISO 55001)
- Information Security Management (ISO 27001)
During 2023 we will continue to work on the continuous improvement of our activities, as well as seek to maintain our 6 ISO standards certificates, aligning ourselves with Enel Distribución's worldwide guidelines and the country's requirements.