Renewable energies are one of the necessary investments to provide a better world for future generations, from the energy point of view. We believe that it is important that new generations also grow up incorporating the concepts of energy sustainability from a young age, especially if they live near a generation plant. For this reason, in collaboration with the Liceo Técnico de Taltal, we are conducting workshops with theoretical and practical modules, where students will experience the application of theory by developing a technological project that includes a small-scale solar energy system, from its design to its installation.
This project will be formulated according to the needs of a primary school in the municipality of Taltal, where it will be implemented. In this way, we want to train and motivate students to transmit the importance of using renewable energies to the younger generations, and show them how they can be used to solve everyday problems.
Because of the health contingency, this project has been carried out remotely, using digital resources: watching video capsules, 6th year elementary school students from Taltal will experience the application of the theory of undertaking a technological project. The project includes designing a small-scale renewable energy generation system which will solve a specific problem in their own environment associated with the use of NCRE.
This project is the result of an analytical and design thinking process that students will develop following the guidelines offered in the video capsules and completing various activities and games that will be recorded in an agenda specially designed for the project.
This way, the project´s users will learn about the importance of renewable energies and understand how they can be used to solve everyday problems. In this case, they will follow a specific proposal to solve a real problem affecting their community.
The last activity to be completed consists of presenting the projects in a video that will be evaluated on different social media. The project with the most positive interactions will receive a prize.