Energy Transition Roadmap
Agricultural Irrigation Systems for local Entrepreneurs
Corporate Social Responsibility Project (CSR)
Work Streams:
Economic development with local identity and green jobs (see more)
Multidimensional Poverty Variable:
Work and Social Security
KPI y Results 2020
Beneficiaries: 9 San Clemente women farmers
Women 100%
Currently of the nine beneficiaries, three irrigate using water from a canal and six use spring water. This means that water is not easily available during high demand periods. By implementing accumulators, it is now possible to guarantee a continued water supply, and drip irrigation systems have reached 90%, meaning that 100% of applied water goes directly to the plant.
To improve irrigation facilities and water use management, to adapt to the water shortage scenario that the region has been suffering for several seasons.
To reduce the quantity of agrochemicals used in greenhouses given that when efficient irrigation is in place (directly onto the plant) it decreases the prevalence of pests and weeds.
To decrease the time required for irrigation permitting farmers to use their time more efficiently and carry out other tasks.
To iprove the precarious conditions of the irrigation facilities of the Prodemu Rural Women´s Program in their vegetable greenhouses, in the San Clemente area, identified by the Water Management Program, also incorporating community management elements to promote resource sustainability.