Energy Transition Roadmap
Maule Plants
San Clemente and Colbún

The San Clemente district is located 20 kilometers east of the city of Talca, in the Talca Province, Maule Region, occupying almost 50% of the total territory of the Province, making it the largest district (from the territorial point of view) of the region. The total surface area of the district is 4,504 km². The district is 64% rural. Enel's most direct connection is with 8 townships near the Maule power plants and the construction of the HPP Los Cóndores.
The Colbún district is located 48 km southeast of the city of Talca, in the Linares Province, Maule Region, and is the largest district in the province. The district’s total surface area is 2,899.92 km². The percentage of rurality of the district is 70.7%. Enel's most direct link is with 6 townships near the Maule power plants and the construction of the Los Cóndores - Ancoa Line.
When reviewing the distribution of households according to poverty status, the districts also present a high percentage of households within the poverty line, which almost doubles the situation of households at the regional level. Two very evident phenomena occur that mark the poverty of its inhabitants. The first is in regard to seasonal work, which generates income only in the summer period and is also characterized by high precariousness, and the second is in regard to the low wages. According to these statistical data, it can be concluded that the Colbún and San Clemente districts are among the most socially and economically vulnerable districts in the region and the country..
The relevance of the commune is shown in the production of hydroelectric energy through eighteen-generation plants.
Besides this, the Maule basin has an importance in Chile's international connectivity, since Route 115-CH, known as the “Pehuenche Route”, is located parallel to the trajectory of the Maule River, which connects the cities of Talca in Chile and Malargüe in Argentina.
The priority communities in the territory have a high degree of organization around the legal figure of territorial organizations such as neighborhood associations and functional organizations such as parent centers, sports clubs, senior groups, or advancement committees. All these organizations are strongly rooted in a local culture linked to the Chilean countryside and the Maulina mountains.
Enel has developed two important studies focused on the conservation of the natural resources and biodiversity of the Maule basin. These are the Study of Ecosystem Services and Hydropower by Design.>
More information regarding both studies in the following link.
The territory has been included in the Human Rights Due Diligence processes.