The Los Notros, Doña Isidora, and Nuevo El Esfuerzo neighborhoods are locations that received numerous resettled families. These communities required spaces in order to enhance their community life and to enhance their social capital.
The headquarters of the Los Notros neighborhood is to be reconditioned and extended for 58 square meters, enabling a kitchen, bathrooms, and reconditioning the space including the repair of walls, floors, and roofing.
In the Doña Isidora and Nuevo Esfuerzo neighborhoods, the strategy of recovering uninhabited homes and recycling them is being applied, merging the land lots and building an extension uniting the homes achieving a single large unit. These are examples of circular economy at a community level.
During a first stage, the purchase of the homes is to be carried out and then the merger of the properties will be processed. Subsequently, the respective building permit shall be requested, with which both projects are expected to be executed 12 months later.