Energy Transition Roadmap
Events and collaborations
Events and working groups
During 2021, the circular economy area of Enel Chile co-organized together with eleven institutions the International Seminar: "Digital Transformation for Cities, Iquique 2021", which focused on strategies and technologies for circular cities. With SOFOFA HUB and HUB EPD® Latam, it organized the "Metrics to Accelerate the Circular Economy in the Company" seminar.
During 2020, the circular economy area of Enel Chile actively participated in developing the Circular Economy Roadmap of Chile. Its objective is to promote actions that promote the circular economy at a transversal level, with a systemic strategy that helps to organize efforts and generate collaboration to advance with the necessary strength. In the same year, Chile joined the ISO/TC323 working group, which since 2019 has been part of the worldwide definition of international standardization norms for the Circular economy.
Chile Circular Economy Roadmap
In recent years, the circular economy has gained significant momentum in Chile, particularly due to its triple benefit of creating new businesses, generating employment and combating the climate crisis.
Towards the future and with the discussion of the 2040 Circular Economy Roadmap, the REP 20.920 law, the Chilean Plastics Pact (CPP) and the new draft Law with the explicit goal for Chile to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, a new economy is expected to emerge, rethinking the way we produce throughout the value chain, consuming consciously and inhabiting cities as a community.
Chile’s Circular Economy Roadmap seeks to drive actions fostering the circular economy at a cross level during the next 20 years, with a systemic strategy helping to organize efforts and to generate synergies. In order to achieve this, the consensus and articulation of various national players from the public and private sectors, civil society and the academy are key.
7 medium and long-term goals were defined, among which are the generation of 180,000 new jobs, to increase the general recycling rate by 75%, to increase material productivity by 60%, the elimination of 90% of micro-garbage dumps, among others.
The construction process for the proposal began in 2019, including initial studies and information surveys seeking to determine the current status of the circular economy in the country. From these studies, 9 gaps were chosen for developing the circular economy, out of which the lack of trained human capital, the lack of regulations in line with innovation stand out, among others. During 2020, a series of workshops were held and the round tables were set up, in which various players from the country participated, sharing their experience in order to delve into the issues having become priorities. Enel becomes part of this conversation by participating in the work table of the “Market Development” EC Roadmap. During 2021, the first proposal of the roadmap was published, which was submitted for public consultation in order to collect observations from the population. These observations are currently under review and the final version is being prepared.
Internatinal Organization for Standardization, ISO/TC 323 Circular Economy
Regulations play an important role in accelerating the transition to the circular economy, providing a clear framework for action in order for the different players to participate. This is why since 2019, ISO / TC323, international standardization norms for the Circular Economy began to be discussed worldwide.
This new ISO will enable the development of requirements, guidelines and support tools in the field of circular economy projects. An ISO committee was approved for its development, which includes 79 participating countries. The objective of this committee will be to develop requirements, guidelines and supporting tools in the field of circular economy projects. Enel participates as an expert in the drafting of these new regulations: ISO/NP 59004 CE - Framework and principles for implementation, ISO/NP 59010 CE – Guidelines on business and value chains, ISO/NP 59020 CE – Measuring Circularity framework and ISO TR 59031 – Performance bases approach for circular economy.
Beginning the committee's work, the agreement was to form working groups, which are to work on giving priority to terminology standards, principles, implementation guides, measuring indicators, case studies, among other subjects, as a future circular system management standard.
During 2021, work will continue on the development of ISO / TC323 with the participation of Enel as an expert.
Please Visit the oficial page here.
Digital Transformation for the Circular Cities

During 2021, the International Seminar: "Digital Transformation for Cities" was held in Iquique, with the leadership of eleven institutions including Enel. From May 26th to 28th, different talks and panels were held with the participation of experts on the subject, one of them being Luca Meini, Head of Circular Economy at Enel group.
The objective of this seminar was to promote the digital transformation of the city of Iquique and Tarapacá Region, as a mechanism to position these territories as benchmarks of circularity. These measures are expected to have an impact on the development of industry, entrepreneurship and innovation, while generating economic, environmental and social value for its inhabitants.
Metrics for Accelerating the Circular Economy in the Enterprise
Relive the Webinar: "Metrics to Accelerate the Circular Economy in the Company" organized by Enel Chile and SOFOFA HUB and HUB EPD® Latam. Experts from different industries and organizations attended this seminar, and international research centers analyzed and developed metrics for the circular economy transition.
The event was attended by a large audience of more than 300 people, who had the opportunity to reflect on the potential links between Circular Economy metrics, complementary methodologies, and the options they offer to adopt more effective strategies to mitigate climate change.
The day was divided into three blocks:
- The conceptual and methodological framework addresses the state of the art of implementing complementary metrics and methodologies to analyze circularity within the corporate sustainability framework and initiatives and trends at the organizational and inter-organizational levels.
- The application of complementary methodologies consisted of 4 parallel thematic tables to delve into different success stories that applied circular economy metrics. Our colleagues Stella Di Carlo, Head of Innovability Global Procurement, and Silvia Ruta from Sustainability Enel X formed one.
- Final Reflections, experts Alex Godoy from Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) and Edmundo Muñoz from Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB) talked with Natalia Correa, Head of Circular Economy at Enel Chile, about the opportunities for the development of a circular industry in Chile. They left us with an important message that this transition towards circularity is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), integrates the entire production chain, and is supported by advances in research.
The recording of the event and the presentations given during the seminar are available on the website here.