Our people and the new reality

Published on Wednesday, 8 July 2020

“Our Company’s top priority is our workers’ and clients’ wellbeing. It is why we choose the use of digital tools and platforms to carry out activities remotely.”

– said Paolo Pallotti, CEO of Enel Chile.

We began telecommuting on March 16, even before health authorities decreed mandatory quarantines. In fact, according to the latest figures provided by Enel Chile's People and Organization, 75% of the payroll is working from home.

Internally, several measures came from the area of Quality of Life and Training. Under the tag "Work at home", actions were based on four pillars: self-care, work and family, let's work together and social connection. As of last May, 2,935 hours of people-focused activities took place.

Training and digitalization, along with the use of new tools and platforms, we have overcome this emergency while ensuring the continuity of our work and operations.  The latter has been a fact since October 2019 social outbreak.

During this period, actions took place to ensure the safety of our workers and clients, including the temporary closure of commercial offices, stopping ticket distribution and meter reading, among others. Also, digital channels meant to keep us in touch with clients were reinforced.

The value of our people

The sustainable growth of our company is linked to employee development and generating the conditions for an attractive work environment, both for workers and for attracting new talent. In this sense, training programs were implemented in the areas of technological innovation and digitalization, to update and prepare employees for new work modes.

The latter is in line with Enel and Enel Chile's Sustainability Plan. We put our people along with the communities where we operate as the two fundamental pillars that strengthen and complete the company's strategy to contribute to the ODS 17, encouraging partnerships to achieve objectives.

Enel Chile's commitment is to maintain an ongoing dialogue with its stakeholders, as a fundamental element in generating areas of collaboration, development and trust. During 2019, several initiatives materialized aimed at identifying our stakeholder's priorities, which are in line with ours, resulting in the bases for our materiality assessment in 2019. The assessment is our guide to identifying actions that need to be taken into account in our Sustainability Plan to meet our stakeholders' expectations successfully. Our yearly results can be found in Enel Chile's Sustainability Report.

Respect and non-discrimination are the two basic principles in Enel Chile's strategy. In its management, the company aspires to permanently promote equal opportunities and inclusion, from aspects such as gender, religious and national diversity, among others.

Diversity in its different scopes (cultural, sexual, functional, among others) are elements that benefit the organizational culture and promote innovation and openness within the company. These principles of diversity and non-discrimination are protected by Enel Group's Diversity and Inclusion Policy, which defines a series of KPIs that allow the company to monitor and constant ly improve its performance in the area of inclusion.

We are also improving our company's disability-inclusion area. Since 2018 Enel Chile has been part of SOFOFA's Inclusive Companies Network, a group of 40 institutions working to hire people based on their abilities rather than their disabilities. In the same way, and with equal relevance, the Company values age, gender and cultural diversity.

Beyond work

Enel Chile considers the wellbeing of its employees to be vital and has implemented a series of programs and benefits that allow it to achieve a balance between family and personal life.  In pursuit of this same objective, today, due to contingencies, a series of activities are carried out under the name "Work at home", as indicated above. Twenty-three activities have been carried out, including talks, workshops, sports workshops, videos, with 475 participants.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Enel Chile had established the "Smart working" or teleworking program, which allowed employees to work one day a week from their home or another place with a good Internet connection and that complied with the company's security conditions. During 2019, the number of workers who joined the Smart working modality increased, covering 481 collaborators in total.

This and other initiatives have reduced carbon emissions coming from commuting and has made the company more resilient in times of crisis. As evidenced by the Coronavirus pandemic, where, as Francesco Starace, Enel's CEO, points out, “Trust, proactivity, innovation and responsibility are the values that keep us together, even when we are physically apart”.

The details of all actions carried out with our people can be found in the Sustainability Report 2019.


Initiatives launched during the health emergency are available at this link