Talinay Poniente Wind Farm
Composed of 32 wind turbines for a total installed capacity of 61 MW, Talinay Poniente can generate more than 160 GWh per year, equivalent to the consumption needs of about 60,000 Chilean households, thus avoiding the emission of more than 130,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Talinay Poniente is associated with energy purchase and sale contracts to supply the consumption of regulated clients. Enel Green Power was awarded these contracts in a tender launched by 26 distributors for the Distribution Network of the Central Region of Chile (SIC) at the end of 2013. The energy generated by the plant is injected into the 220 kV Las Palmas - Pan de Azúcar line in the Coquimbo Region.
- Municipality: Ovalle
- Province: Coquimbo
- Start of construction: 2014
- Start of operation: 2015
- Capacity: 61 MW