- With the implementation of the new project Saba parking lots in Santiago and Valparaíso will become the first public parking spaces to use dynamic power management, which makes them more efficient during simultaneous vehicle recharging.
Santiago, December 23, 2021 - As part of a commercial partnership, Enel X and parking company SABA have announced a plan to build the largest network of charging points for electric vehicles in public parking lots in Chile. The first stage of the project will see 33 electric charging stations, out of a total of 100, installed at different parking lots in Santiago and Valparaíso.
The project will cover 11 parking lots, which will have three 7.4 kw charging stations that allow 30% of battery life to be recovered in approximately 2 hours.
To provide a comprehensive service, the chargers will be equipped with a dynamic power management system, called DLM, which uses software that supplies energy in a more efficient way that permits simultaneous charging of electric charging stations. SABA will become the first public parking lot company to have dynamic power management in Chile.
"At Saba we focus on innovation and new business strategies, incorporating smart services for urban mobility into our parking lots. In recent years our parking lots have become genuine hubs of sustainable mobility services for drivers and this new project of electric vehicle charging points is the best example of that," said Cristobal Wagener, CEO of Saba Estacionamientos de Chile.
"Enel X is committed to extending electric mobility throughout Chile. The company has been actively involved in promoting partnerships with different companies and organizations to reduce the use of fossil fuels in transportation and the pollution in our cities," added Enel X's CEO, Karla Zapata.
The transportation sector accounts for more than a third of Chile's energy consumption and over 99% of that energy comes from petroleum derivatives. This was clearly evident in the government's "National Electromobility Strategy", presented last October, which stipulates that only electric vehicles will be sold in Chile by 2035. For this to happen, sufficient charging infrastructure must be in place to support these vehicles and to encourage the adoption of electric transport, which will contribute to environmental protection through the reduction of emissions.
Parking lots with charging points for electric vehicles
Saba de Paseo Bulnes, Parque Forestal, Plaza de Armas, Santa Rosa, Plaza Mekis and Santa Lucía, in Santiago; Guardia Vieja, Marchant Pereira, Pedro de Valdivia and Ricardo Lyon, in Providencia; and Saba de Valparaíso, located in Plaza Bellavista.
About Saba
Saba is a renowned industrial operator that specializes in developing urban mobility solutions for parking management. The group has a workforce of more than 2,300 people, is present in nine countries in Europe and Latin America and has nearly 400,000 parking spaces distributed over 1,200 centers.
Saba incorporates intelligent urban mobility services into its parking facilities to bolster its approach focused on innovation and new commercial strategies. In recent years, it has positioned its parking facilities as true hubs of sustainable mobility services for people and products.
About Enel X
Enel X is Enel Group's global business unit that offers services to accelerate innovation and drive the energy transition. Enel X, a world leader in advanced energy solutions, manages demand response services, with about 6 GW of total capacity and 124 MW of storage capacity installed worldwide, as well as 175,000 recharging points for public and private electric vehicles available globally.
Enel X ElectroRoute grows
The new Saba chargers are part of the Enel X ElectroRoute, the most ambitious electromobility project in Latin America. The project consists of installing 1,200 charging points the full length of Chile, guaranteeing drivers of electric vehicles full autonomy for over 5,000 kilometers of highway.
To date, Enel X has installed 307 charging points in Santiago and in different regions of the country. Enel X charging points are being strategically implemented on highways and roads and in operations of different industries including mining, universities, real estate developments, restaurants, and of course, in parking lots.
This has made Enel X ElectroRoute a pioneer due to its transversality, technological innovation, intelligent chargers and ability to meet different needs.