Enel Generación informs about Rapel reservoir

Published on Monday, 24 June 2024

Considering the weather forecasts for the O'Higgins Region that indicate natural but significant increases of the Cachapoal and Tinguiririca rivers, tributaries that feed the Rapel Reservoir, the operation of Central Rapel will start opening the discharge gates from approximately noon this Thursday, June 20.

These actions are carried out as preventive and early management in the operation of the reservoir, contributing to reducing, in part, the impact that this climatic event could cause in the increase of the flow, affecting the communities located downstream of our facilities. We aim to optimize the reservoir's buffering effect concerning possible floods registered upstream.

These maneuvers have been previously coordinated, reported to the relevant authorities, and linked to emergency management in the area. We will continue to monitor the operation conditions of the reservoir and Rapel power plant to update their status.

Enel Generación calls on the sector's neighbors, especially those in riverside areas downstream of our Power Plant and tourists, to take all the necessary precautions and stay away from watercourses and spill areas to avoid risk situations.