- This represents a progressive early shift from analog meters to digital equipment that can connect online with the company's systems.
Santiago, December 16, 2024 - Enel Distribución has started gradually replacing electricity meters for customers who are registered as electro-dependent and receiving care at home. This initiative allows the company to exceed the deadlines set by the Technical Standard for Quality of Distribution Services, which mandates that this replacement will be required by 2026.
The new digital metering equipment will communicate online with the company's systems and, in the near future, continuously monitor the home's supply status. In the event of a supply shortage, customers should always contact the company using the telephone numbers they registered at the time of enrollment.
"Electro-dependent patients are our top priority, and we are continually striving to enhance the quality of their services. To this end, we have decided to begin the replacement of their metering equipment as a preventive measure in anticipation of potential emergencies", said Víctor Hugo Balbontín, Enel Distribución's Operation and Maintenance Manager.
The company is calling all customers registered as electro-dependent to schedule a visit. Technical personnel wearing identification badges will install the new equipment.
With the new metering equipment, the consumption discount for electro-dependent customers remains unchanged on their bills.
Since 2012, Enel Distribución has kept a register of homes with electro-dependent patients to provide special assistance during power interruptions. To support these patients, Enel Distribución established a dedicated priority platform for telephone assistance specifically for electro-dependent individuals. In the event of a potential interruption to the electricity supply, patients should call the following numbers from the telephone number(s) they registered at the time of enrollment: 800 800 696 (toll-free), 600 696 0000, or 22 696 0000.
For more information, please visit https://www.enel.cl/es/clientes/emergencias/registro-de-electrodependientes.html.