Energy Transition Roadmap
Enel Distribución activates preventive plan for forecast heavy rainfall in Metropolitan Region
Published on Friday, 19 March 2021
- Clients can register and update their contact details at the website and in the smartphone app “Enel Clientes Chile”, to maintain more efficient communications and quickly report any emergency, offering them the best service.
Santiago, March 19, 2021 - Enel Distribución has activated its preventive plan to address potential events that could affect the electrical distribution system in light of the forecasts for rainfall in the Metropolitan Region.
Based on weather forecasts for moderate rainfall in the foothills, technical resources and client information and interaction channels have been put into a state of readiness.
Customer service channels via our call center (600 696 0000) and digital media have been strengthened to facilitate communication with clients: website, Twitter @EnelClientesCL, Facebook Fan Page "Enel Chile" and free smart phone app “Enel Clientes Chile”. The company also operates a digital channel, service over WhatsApp, (+56994447606), allowing clients to report emergencies and request information.
Enel Distribución operates a georeferenced technological platform that allows users to check the detailed electrical supply status for each sector, with district-level summaries. It is updated every 15 minutes on the website, and can be accessed directly at
The company encourages its clients to remain prudent, and not to make any attempts to restore the service by themselves, so as to avoid any risk of electrocution in the event of an interruption to electricity supply.
Priority Power Users
Enel Distribución possesses more than 400 household generators and lithium battery packs to attend to priority cases, which are assigned and installed at the homes of electricity-dependent patients to cover any incidents affecting their power supply. Registered patients can use a preferential telephone service to access the priority customer service platform, whose members coordinate directly with technical personnel to manage equipment on-site
The company operates a special registration protocol, which can be conducted in person at its commercial offices, or using the company website. Patients must accredit their pathologies with a certificate stating the medical condition, signed by their physician and the director of the health establishment. More information at
Enel Distribución operates in 33 districts of the Metropolitan Region
Enel Distribución is the country’s top electricity distribution company, with almost 2 million clients. Its concession zone covers an area of 2,069 km2, taking in 33 districts located exclusively in the Metropolitan Region: Cerrillos, Cerro Navia, Conchalí, Estación Central, Independencia, La Cisterna, La Florida, La Granja, La Reina, Las Condes, Lo Espejo, Lo Prado, Macul, Maipú, Ñuñoa, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Peñalolén, Pudahuel, Quinta Normal, Recoleta, Renca, San Joaquín, San Miguel, San Ramón, Vitacura, Santiago, Providencia, Huechuraba, Quilicura, Lo Barnechea, Colina, Lampa, and Til Til.