Energy Transition Roadmap
Enel Distribución implements contingency plan for september 11th
Published on Thursday, 10 September 2020
- In the event of an interruption in the electric power supply, the company asks customers to act prudently and not intervene or attempt to fix the problem on their own, in order to avoid risk of electrocution.
- The company proactively contacted its registered electro-dependent customers who live in areas that have historically seen incidents around this date, to offer the early installation of generators. Around 200 home generators were delivered, while applying strict health protocols at each home.
Santiago, September 10, 2020 - For the purpose of addressing ahead of time any incidents that may affect the electric distribution system in its concessions zone, based on the September 11th anniversary of the 1973 coup, Enel Distribución implemented a contingency plan.
The contingency plan, which went into effect today, Thursday September 10th, and will extend to Saturday 12th, consists of a series of measures including ongoing monitoring of the electrical grid, an increase in emergency field crews, the implementation of special security actions to maintain the continuity of supply, and reinforcement of its information and customer service channels.
Enel Distribución's contingency plan operation is coordinated by the regional government, emergency entities, municipalities and police forces, and this year considers additional measures to prevent the possibility of Covid-19 contagion, such as protocols to reduce contact between people, shift changes under strict health measures and the permanent use of personal protection elements such as face masks and hand sanitizer, among others.
In the event of an interruption in the electric power supply, the company asks customers to act prudently and not intervene or attempt to fix the problem on their own, in order to avoid risk of electrocution.
Likewise, to guarantee the safety of the Enel Distribucion staff and its collaborators, no repair works will be performed in areas that present risks and/or crowds of people. The crews’ work will begin once the conditions allow to recover the service as soon as possible.
Enel Distribución has over 400 generators available for priority cases, which are assigned to the homes registered as electro-dependents and who lose power at any time.
Due to the difficulty of displacement that can arise, the company proactively contacted its registered electro-dependent customers who live in areas that have historically seen incidents around this date, to offer the early installation of generators. Around 200 home generators were delivered, while applying strict health protocols at each home.
Customer Service Channels
The company reinforced its call center (600 696 0000) and social media to facilitate communication with its customers. These are: the website, Twitter account @EnelClientesCL, Facebook fan page "Enel Chile" and the mobile app “Enel Clientes Chile,”
The company has a georeferenced technology platform that shows the status of the electric power supply, detailed by sector and summarized by municipality. It is updated every 15 minutes on the website, and can be accessed directly at the following link
Enel Distribucion serves 33 municipalities in the Metropolitan Region
Enel Distribucion Chile is the main electric power provider in the country, with 1.9 million customers. Its concession area is 2,037 km2, and covers 33 municipalities exclusively in the Metropolitan Region: Cerrillos, Cerro Navia, Conchalí, Estación Central, Independencia, La Cisterna, La Florida, La Granja, La Reina, Las Condes, Lo Espejo, Lo Prado, Macul, Maipú, Ñuñoa, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Peñalolén, Pudahuel, Quinta Normal, Recoleta, Renca, San Joaquín, San Miguel, San Ramón, Vitacura, Santiago, Providencia, Huechuraba, Quilicura, Lo Barnechea, Colina, Lampa and Til Til.