
Published on Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Santiago, August 7, 2024 - "I would like to personally express to every one of our customers and their families that I deeply regret all the inconveniences and difficulties they have experienced during these days without electricity supply as a result of an absolutely unprecedented wind and rainstorm that hit the Metropolitan Area on Thursday, August 1.

We have used all our company's resources and international support from the Enel Group in Italy and other Latin American countries to deal with this severe emergency. The complexity of the power failures caused by the fall of more than 2,000 trees on the distribution network has prevented a prompt restoration of supply.

Therefore, we fully support President Gabriel Boric's call to expedite the compensation process through the Voluntary Compensation Procedure, which we have already initiated with the National Consumer Protection Service (SERNAC) and is currently in progress. Enel Distribución is fully committed to continuing to work around the clock to ensure that homes still without electricity regain power as quickly as possible.", explained Giuseppe Turchiarelli, General Manager of Enel Chile.

Enel Chile | August, 08 2024
