Energy Transition Roadmap
Enel Chile announces the closure of its coal-fired power plants
Published on Tuesday, 4 June 2019
- The CEO of the Company explained that this milestone confirms that it is possible to move towards an increasingly cleaner energy matrix.
Santiago, June 4, 2019. Today, Enel Generación Chile signed an agreement with the Ministry of Energy that regulates the way to proceed with the progressive closure of the Tarapacá, Bocamina 1 and Bocamina 2 coal generation units, located, the first in Iquique and, the second and third in Coronel, with a gross installed capacity of 158 MW, 128W and 350 MW, respective
The agreement establishes the date of this milestone no later than May 31, 2020, for the Tarapacá plant and no later than December 31, 2023, for Bocamina 1, subject to the authorization established in Article 72 ° -18 of the General Law of Electrical Services. With respect to Bocamina 2, it is expected that Enel Generación will set its early closure as its goal, no later than December 31, 2040, subject to the applicable procedure for the plants closing contemplated in the agreement.
"As a group we have been leading the energy transition towards a clean and sustainable matrix, and today we confirm our commitment by signing an agreement that foresees the progressive closure of our coal-fired power plants, reducing them by half no later than 2023. Today we are the leading operator of renewable energies in the country, with 70% of our generation coming from water, sun, wind and the heat of the earth. Considering our development plans for the coming years, which foresee a growth of more than 1GW of renewable capacity in our portfolio, we are convinced that we will be the first company to have a carbon-free energy matrix in Chile”, explains Paolo Pallotti, CEO of Enel Chile.
Enel Generación has defined an action plan that will be carried out in the coming years under the premises of: safety of people and the environment, of maximum care and respect for each of our workers, and seeking to ensure the continuity of the operation of the plant until the closure date indicated above.
The company will carry out a relocation plan for all the workers of these two plants considering opportunities in all areas and business lines so as not to generate any lay offs resulting from this process. This plan will be carried out in the coming years.