Raúl Puentes Barrera is a Civil Constructor Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and MBA Executive (Master’s in Business Administration) from the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez School of Business.
Before joining the Enel Group, he worked for the Public Administration performing analyst functions in the Regional Office for Planning and Coordination in Santiago (SERPLAC), and later in the Communal Office for Planning and Coordination of the Municipality of La Florida (SECPLAC).
Since 1991 he has been working for the Enel Group, and throughout his career has performed functions in the Services, Sales, Distribution, Logistics and Procurement areas of the business, in different companies in Chile and abroad. As part of his international experience, he worked in the Services area of Distribuidora Edesur in Argentina, between 1992 and 1994; and in Endesa Colombia (Codensa and Emgesa) between 2012 and 2015, where he was responsible for Enel’s Procurement in that country.
During the 2016-2019 period he was responsible for leading and coordinating from Chile the Latin American Digital Solutions Procurement teams, servicing the needs in this field in the companies of the Enel Group in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile.
Since May 9th, 2019 he is operating as the Procurement Manager for the Enel companies in Chile.