Energy Transition Roadmap

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) For the third consecutive year, we have positioned ourselves as an industry leader in Chile's electricity sector in three categories of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index: Emerging Market, Integrated Market of the Pacific Alliance (MILA) and Chile. The Company, with a total of 88 points, ranks fifth in the electricity industry among the more than 250 companies evaluated worldwide.
FTSE4 GOOD London Stock Exchange sustainability index that ranks the best companies based on their performance in areas such as the fight against climate change, governance, respect for Human Rights and anti-corruption measures. We have been included in this ranking since 2018 in the Emerging Markets and Latin America categories, with a score of 4.4 out of a total of 5.
MSCI ESG Indexes These indexes seek to pose common perspectives in relation to ESG investments, and serve as a benchmark for investors regarding the ESG performance of the Companies. Since 2020, we have been rated AA (out of a maximum of AAA), being part of the various sustainability stock market indexes offered by this entity, keeping the same score this year as in 2021.
Morningstar Sustainalytics International provider of sustainability risk assessments for investors, which has ranked us with a score of 16.3, on a scale where a lower score reflects a lower risk, which has enabled us to rank among the 7% of companies with the lowest risk in the global electricity industry.
ISS ESG We have been ranked as one of the best performing companies among the 130 companies in the electricity sector worldwide by ISS ESG Corporate Rating, receiving the PRIME company rating for our sustainability performance. This recognition is the result of the good results obtained in the evaluation carried out by ISS through more than 100 questions, based on public information, and reflects that the integrated business model fulfills the requirements demanded in terms of sustainability performance.
Refinitiv The Refinitiv score measures company ESG performance based on verifiable, publicly available data. It captures and calculates over 630 company-level ESG metrics, of which a subset of 186 correspond to the most comparable and material by sector, which drives the overall assessment and scoring process for the Company. In this assessment we have been rated with 89 points, in the evaluation of the subset of metrics, for 2022.
Moody’s ESG Solutions We have attained an increase of 11 points, reaching 68 points in this evaluation with a "best in class" approach.
Bloomberg Gender equality The Company has been confirmed for the second consecutive time in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI) 2023, developed to measure the diversity and inclusion performance of publicly traded companies worldwide, obtaining a score 7% higher than the average for the companies that compose it, making it the only Chilean company to appear in this index.
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) We have been acknowledged by CDP with an A- level, in our second year of voluntary reporting on climate change impacts. CDP is a non-profit organization that through its disclosure framework evaluates performance in the fight against climate change on a scale of A-D.
Grand Prix ALAS20 2023 We have been the highest distinction at the Hispanic American level in ALAS20, with the category "Grand Prix 2023", standing out for our leadership, consistency, and excellence in the public disclosure of information on our Investor Relations and Sustainable Development practices. As part of the award, we were also recognized as "ALAS20 Chile Company", the most important category in the country. Enel Chile also won 2nd place in the category of "Leading Company in Sustainability" and 4th place in the category of "Leading Company in Investor Relations", a category that recognizes excellence in the public disclosure of information to the investing public, as well as the company's willingness and professionalism in its interaction with key agents in the capital market.
First Diagnosis on Business and Human Rights in Chile Conducted by the Corporate Sustainability Program of the Universidad Católica Law School in collaboration with the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA). The study included the 29 companies listed in the IPSA. The maximum score that companies can obtain is 24 points. Enel Chile obtained 21.5 points, placing it in first place, together with Enel Américas.
Eikon Chile Awards In 2023 we received recognition from the Eikon Chile Awards, which highlights excellence in institutional communication, a contest organized by Ediciones GAF with the academic support of the Faculty of Communications of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. We were distinguished in the General Sustainability Campaign category just over a year after the closure of the Bocamina II Power Plant, for highlighting the importance of the just transition through a unique milestone in the industry: Enel Chile voluntarily anticipated the closure of its last coal-powered plant.